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P A U L  B

M C K I N N E Y 

F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

“Paul McKinney and the Knights of Jazz are Inspirational Artists and were a great addition to our AutoZone Sunset Symphony Grand Finale, I would recommend them to anyone looking for a lively and entertaining musical performance”  Jim Holt, President and CEO, Memphis in May International Festival  


E V E N T S​




February 14, 2020 Paul McKinney & The Knights of Jazz

Live @ The Perignon Restaurant and Banquet 

6385 Winchester RD, Memphis, Tn.


Nov. 22

Nov. 22, 2019

Paul McKinney & The Knights of Jazz

Live Recording @ The Green Room

Crosstown Arts 

1350 Concourse Ave Ste 280, Memphis, TN 38104



Paul McKinney is featured in the new book The Anatomy of the Music Industry How the Game Was & How The Game Has Changed. Dr. Logan H. Westbrooks AVAILABLE NOW at

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